16.1.1 构造字符串
程序清单16.1使用了string的7个构造函数。程序清单16.1 str1.cpp--------------------------------------------------// str1.cpp -- introducing the string class#include <iostream>#include <string>// using string constructorsint main(){ using namespace std; string one("Lottery Winner!"); // ctor #1 cout << one << endl; // overloaded << string two(20, '$'); // ctor #2 cout << two << endl; string three(one); // ctor #3 cout << three << endl; one += " Oops!"; cout << one << endl; two = "Sorry! That was "; three[0] = 'P'; string four; // ctor #4 four = two + three; // overloaded +, = cout << four << endl; char alls[] = "All's well that ends well"; string five(alls, 20); // ctor #5 cout << five << "!\n"; string six(alls+6, alls + 10); // ctor #6 cout << six << endl; string seven(&five[6], &five[10]); // cotr #6 cout << seven << "...\n"; string eight(four, 7, 16); cout << eight << " in motion!" << endl; return 0;}--------------------------------------------------效果:Lottery Winner!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Lottery Winner!Lottery Winner! Oops!Sorry! That was Pottery Winner!All's well that ends!wellwell...That was Pottery in motion!--------------------------------------------------构造函数string(initializer_list<char> il)让您能够将列表初始化语法用于string类。也就是说,它使得下面这样的生命是合法的:string piano_man = {'L', 'i', 's', 'z', 't'};string comp_lang {'L', 'i', 's', 'p'};16.1.2 string类输入对于C-风格字符串,输入有3种方式:char info[100];cin >> info; // read a wordcin.getline(info, 100); // read a line, discard \ncin.get(info, 100); // read a line, leave \n in queue对于string对象,有两种方式:string stuff;cin >> stuff; // read a wordgetline(cin, stuff); // read a line, discard \n两个版本的getline()都有一个可选参数,用于指定使用哪个字符来确定输入的边界:cin.getline(info, 100, ':'); // read up to :, discard :getline(stuff, ':'); // read up to :, discard :在功能上,C-风格字符串和string的主要区别在于,string版本的getline()将自动调整目标string对象的大小,使之刚好能够存储输入的字符。16.1.3 使用字符串……16.1.4 string还提供了哪些功能……16.1.5 字符串种类本节将string类看作基于char类型的。事实上,正如前面指出的,string库实际上是基于一个模板类的:template<class charT, class traits = char, traits<charT>, class Allocator = allocator<charT> >basic_string {...};模板basic_string有4个具体化,每个具体化都有一个typedef名称:typedef basic_string<char> string;typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;typedef basic_string<char16_t> u16string; // C++11typedef basic_string<char32_t> u32string; // C++11这让您能够使用基于类型wchar_t、wchar16_t、char32_t和char的字符串。